Sunday, July 6, 2014

Agreement between The Warsangeli & The British (January 27, 1886)

Agreement between The Warsangalis & The British
(January 27, 1886)

TREATIES, &c., between the Warsangalis (British
Protection; Slave Trade; Wrecks: &c.). - January 27,
THE British Government and the Elders of the
Warsangali tribe who have signed this Agreement being
desirous of maintaining and strengthening the
relations of peace and friendship existing between
The British Government have named and appointed
Major Frederick Mercer Hunter, C.S.I., Political Agent
and Consul for the Somali Coast, to conclude a Treaty
for this purpose.
The said Major F. M. Hunter, C.S.I., Political
Agent and Consul for the Somali Coast, and the said
Elders of the Warsangali, have agreed upon and
concluded the following articles:- 

ART. I. The British government, in compliance with the
wish of the undersigned Elders of the Warsangali,
undertakes to extend to them and to the territories
under their authorities and jurisdiction the gracious
favour and protection of Her Majesty the

II. The said Elders of the Warsangali agree and
promise to refrain from entering into any
correspondence, Agreement, or Treaty with any foreign
nation or Power, except with the knowledge and
sanction of Her Majesty's Government. 

III. The Warsnagali are bound to render assistance to
any vessel, whether British or belonging to any other
nation, that may be wrecked on the shores under their
jurisdiction and control , and to protect the crew,
passengers, and cargo of such vessels, giving speedy
intimation to the Resident at Aden of the
circumstances; for which act of friendship and
good-will a suitable reward will be given by the
British Government. 

IV. The Traffic in slaves throughout the territories
of the Warsangali shall cease for ever, and the 46
Commander of any of Her Majesty's vessels, or any
other British officer duly authorized, shall have the
power of requiring the surrender of any slave, and of
supporting the demand by force of arms by land and

V. The British Government shall have the power to
appoint an Agent or Agents to reside in the
territories of the Warsangali, and every such Agent
shall be treated with respect and consideration, and
be entitled to have for this protection such guard as
the British Government deem sufficient. 

VI. The Warsangali hereby engage to assist all British
officers in the execution of such duties as may be
assigned to them, and further to act upon their advice
in matters relating to the administration of justice,
the development of the resources of the country, the
interests of commerce, or in any other matter in
relation to peace , order, and good government, and
the general progress of civilization. 

VII. This Treaty to come into operation from the 27th
day of January, 1886, on which date it was signed at
Bunder Gori by the Undermentioned.
F. M. Hunter
J. H. Raintier, Commander, R. N.
Muhammad Mahmud Ali, Gerad of all the Warsangali. 

Jama Mahmud, Gerad 

Muhammad Ibrahim, ditto. 

Omar Ahmed, ditto.

Mahmud Abdullah, ditto. 

Yussuf Mahmud, ditto.

Nur Abdullah. 

Isa Adan. 

Muhammad Ali Shirwa. 

Abdy Nur

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